Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Revelation 3:11
There is a story of a man who had heard about possibility of the discovery crude-oil within the locality of his habitation, and had quite a property there too. So he employed men to embark for oil exploration expenditure within his property; after a long while they didn't discover anything. He became frustrated and sold the [seemed worthless] property to someone and left to continue his quest for a discovery in another region.
After a while he heard that oil had been found in the area he had left.
He was curious as to where crude oil was found. To his amazement, it was discover within his former property that he had sold. The person that bought the property became a very wealthy individual overnight, but he frustrated and broke.
Life is a journey, not a destination. Do not give up before the time, the year is not over yet. Hold fast to what you have, lest others take your crown.
Jesus is Lord!
Mark Enahoro
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