Man have between now and the judgment day to do what he will's, positive or negative. However, to go the positive way, you will face some resistance, but God have made you a world overcomer.
If you want God's intervention, don't just wait for Him to intervene without your asking, to wait is to waste. God gave man the right to make choices 'FREE WILL'. More often than not, we expect God to intervene without asking Him. On whose authority is He going to act? Remember, God created the world and gave man dominion and authority to subdue it, Genesis 1:28. He did not include Himself in the process, if we need His help, we ought to ask Him. If He act without our asking, He will be violating His own law, God will never do that!
Lets look at this illustration from the Holy Bible, the book of Acts of the Apostles chapter 12.
From verse 1-3. Herod the king, killed James the brother of John. seeing, it pleased the Jews, he went further to apprehend Peter, with the intention to kill him as well. But, verse 5 says, "... prayers was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him!"
When they prayed they gave God the authority to act. He however, delivered Peter from king Herod, verse 7-17. And He smote Herod the king, verse 21-23.
If you don't want evil, then don't watch it. Speak against it with your mouth, by praying to God about it, thereby giving Him the authority to act. We will see from scripture, most especially in the Old testament, God would ask a prophet to prophesy against or about something, this is to give Him the authority to act, when danger against a group, is eminent. This is also the reason Satan has been busy doing everything possible to keep people from hearing from God, this way he can steal, kill and destroy destinies without intervention from God.
In recent times, when people see evil around them, they go to social media to post or make comments. But the evildoers are not only commenting, they are also voicing it out loud, making their own statement.
Someone said,
"the world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."
How would they have done something about it? By speaking to God about the desired change, then speak against the situation, not just comments.
The President of United States, President Donald Trump, is a good example here, to further illustrate this point, he is not just doing his bit to get things his way, he is speaking against contrary agents. This makes his adversary uncomfortable, because they can't tame him. And of course, he have his short comings, we all do. Before you criticize, you may want to examine yourself. You don't throw stones when you're in a glass house. The point is that, he is simply applying a principle.
Well, the topic is vast, but I will stop here at the moment.
I pray that the Lord give you understanding, in Jesus name! Amen!
Jesus is Lord!
Mark E. Airononi
#hedgersarmy, #prosperityreality
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