"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him." - Psalm 91:15
It does not matter how far you have gone off; God is saying, if only we will call on Him, He is readily available to come to our aid.
I know many people have problems believing this: it does not change who He is; God is Love.
God is just waiting for us to call on Him and He will be right here. We have history obviously, believe me God already know where we are going to end up, if we don't make a turn from that ungodly way, even before we will find out the consequences, He knows; so there is no need keeping it from Him or running from Him, rather run to Him.
He is a loving Father; call upon Him. He knows we are not perfect, that is why He said, He will be with us in trouble, to help us generate enough strength to get out of the trouble, and honour us; in the midst of mockery and enemies, He prepares a table of abundance, He make us righteous by anointing our head with oil till it overflows. (Ps. 23:5, Ps. 91:16).
God love me!
Enahoro Airononi
Prosperityreality / Hedgers Army
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