"Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust." - John 5:45.
When a brother or sister walk in error we have a responsibility to caution or correct the individual (1 John 5:16) in love, and not judgmental.
We don't have the authority to judge; judgment is God's office and it belongs to Him alone.
Let's look at Moses; Moses had a call upon his life to take the children of Israel into the promise land.
We know he saw the land but, did not enter into it. Mind you, this was his purpose. So what happened?
In the book of Numbers 20:1-12 an incident occurred that changed everything. The children of Israel were complaining about "no-water" there have been series of complaints earlier. But this angered Moses greatly. After Moses and Aaron had enquired from the LORD, God said to Moses "speak ye unto the rock before their eyes" instead "Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice:" the instruction was to speak to the rock, but he was upset with them so smote the rock and said "Hear now, ye rebels;". Here we see he is calling the children of Israel rebels. But, what is Moses doing at the same time? The same thing rebelling. How you may ask? He was ask to speak to the rock, not hit the rock.
In Romans 2:1"Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things." we may not have acted rebellion in the same way, but there are many things we have both done and still doing wrong that we probably didn't know how, as we ought.
This was the case of Moses, so in Numbers 20:12 the Lord said to Moses "...therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them."
After this incident Moses pleaded to God allow him go over to the promised land, it didn't work out for him, though he saw it, but didn't enter into the promised land.
So we see the reason why he probably was accusing the children of Israel before God, because they provoked him to act rashly and because of that error, he was denied entrance into the land.
You may be faced with such situation today, please don't be a judge.
We must have missed it at various point, thank God for grace. We must not continue in this error.
Have a fruitful week, God bless you!
Enahoro Airononi
Prosperityreality / Hedgers Army
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