Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:17
God, at different times and in so many ways have tried and still trying to let us know what His will for us is (He never gives up on us). Same way the devil is endeavouring to distract us from God's purpose for our life through various medium.
There is a saying, when purpose of a thing is not known, the abuse of the thing is certain. Using a toddler for an example. He/she have no clue what a remote control to a television is, if they found one. They can drop it a bowl of water if available, and still feels happy about it; simply because they have no idea what it is meant for. But as they grow up their perspective change.
Same way, God want us to grow to understand our purpose and His plans for our lives. Unfortunately, Satan have ways of distracting people from the medium made available by God for man to identify or discover his purpose on earth. In other to keep people (grown-ups) in perpetual baby stage forever and never able to discover their purpose in life.
As a result, the above scripture is admonishing us not to be unwise, as to allow the enemy distract us; but understanding [is a continous process] what the will of God is for us. In other to avoid abusing ourselves with things that are irrelevant to our purpose, but seems to appease the flesh.
I pray this minister to someone, have a fruitful week, in Jesus name!
Jesus is Lord!
Mark Enahoro
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