Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now Your word do I keep [hearing, receiving, loving, and obeying it].
Psalm 119:67 AMPC
At redemption we become disconnected from every ancestral curse, yokes and bondage that may have been bewildering a family from one generation after another, because only the blood of Jesus has the cleansing power to stop the curse from continuing [and like Pharaoh and his hosts drowned in the red sea], the red sea is a type or shadow of the blood of Jesus in a figure. Now that the former things are passed away, there is a fresh start for all that believe.
However, the kingdom of darkness wouldn't stop at that. They'd begin a fresh agenda to ensnare believers [in his/her redeemed state] through thoughts; prompting such individual(s) to act on those thoughts. With the aim to make God turn His back on the individual. Like Balaam taught Balak how to make the Israelite sin against God [Revelation 2:14], even so it is now. There are unseen force propelling or instigating people to act against God's instruction/commands with the intention to make believers work in error, only then can they be afflicted.
The cure for this is found in Romans 12:2, it says;
" not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
Every believer have a duty to discipline themselves through prayers and studying the word of God, thereby walking within the light of the Word therein. To enable them keep the enemy at bay [James 4:7].
I pray for fresh grace to enable you overcome the trials and temptations of this age, in Jesus name!
Jesus is Lord!
Mark Enahoro
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