... brethren, ye have been called unto LIBERTY; ONLY USE NOT LIBERTY FOR AN OCCASION TO THE FLESH, but by love serve one another.
- Galatians 5:13
God has given man free will, that's the liberty to make our own decisions and be guided by his Word, if we choose to hearken.
Many don't want to be reprimanded when they wonder off-course, as a result, surrounds themselves with vises to suppress their conscience.
James 1:15 says,
"... when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."
When a man is stepping off God's Agenda for one's life, there is always a quickening trying to caution him about such steps. Well, that is all God is going to do, caution us, since He has us the Will to choose. He is not going to force himself on anyone. But if we heed to his leading, he will always be there to lead us continually.
On the other hand, Satan does not seek to lead man, his agenda is to drive man, once Satan have that first opportunity into the individual, he then put mechanisms in place to enable him control every aspect of the individual; it will happen simply because the individual gave Satan an opening in the first place.
Satan will always present things that are appealing to the eyes and flesh for temporal pleasure but it seem everlasting, it's not, and will never let you in on what it will cost you in return. Once you fall for it, the rest is agony and death, it has always been his ultimate aim.
God has given man liberty, don't use the liberty you've been given, as an occasion to service your fleshly desire, the end result is always destructive.
Jesus is Lord!
Mark E. Airononi
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