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Showing posts from February, 2020

Please Who

If one man sin against another, the judge shall judge him: but if a man sin against the Lord , who shall intreat for him?... 1 Samuel 2:25. Sad but true to note that people are more concern about what others think about their actions or in-action, they are concern about people view point about them, that they neglect the God factor in their decisions. Many do not care if their action and decisions go crosswise against God’s commandment. We should be concerned about God stance in our action and decisions. Because at the end, He is the Judge of all. Men can only judge base on limited available evidence, which can be manipulated in most cases. But, God knows the thought and intent of everyone's heart that empowers our decision to act either positively or negative. Jesus is Lord! Mark E. Airononi

Liberty to Choose

... brethren, ye have been called unto LIBERTY; ONLY USE NOT LIBERTY FOR AN OCCASION TO THE FLESH, but by love serve one another. - Galatians 5:13 God has given man free will, that's the liberty to make our own decisions and be guided by his Word, if we choose to hearken. Many don't want to be reprimanded when they wonder off-course, as a result, surrounds themselves with vises to suppress their conscience. James 1:15 says,  "... when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." When a man is stepping off God's Agenda for one's life, there is always a quickening trying to caution him about such steps. Well, that is all God is going to do, caution us, since He has us the Will to choose. He is not going to force himself on anyone. But if we heed to his leading, he will always be there to lead us continually. On the other hand, Satan does not seek to lead man, his agenda is to drive man, once Satan ...

Intercede Instead

Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: - James 5:14  It's amazing to see how people are quick to criticize, and pass judgment on others, when the Bible says, 'judge nothing before the time'. For example: When you see something or someone in an abnormal state, the best thing to do is to intercede for them on their behalf. Because some of them may not even realize that they are under the oppression and influence of the devil. The ones that realizes the manipulation of the devil, might quickly call for prayers, but the devil have a way of hiding himself from the troubles people go through. Through intercession, the devil's antics will be revealed to the individual and for those around him/her to realize on-time that this is an affliction of the devil, and to react against it in a proper way. Some illness people take medicine for are purely spiritual, there...

Self Esteem

... If thou be the Son of God, command this... -Luke 4:3 You see, Jesus didn't have to prove anything nor himself to anyone. Satan came up with the accusation/doubt of his identity, he (Satan) should prove that Jesus is not the Son of God. Does this sound familiar? Unfortunately, many of us are faced with similar challenges today. Most times we are trying to prove them wrong. Unknowingly, we allow the enemy to engage us, thereby distracting in the process from the mean goal; which is his aim, in the first place. You woe nobody your identity, you ought to let your fruit show your source. But between now and then, stay focus on your purpose. Don't allow the devil, or through his proxies, engage you in unproductive, self glorifying activities. You may end up exalting yourself, that in itself is pride, God resist the proud. Satan wants you to be resisted, that's why he is trying to make you exalt yourself. However, with a low self esteem, you wouldn't mind showin...