He that believeth on him is not condemned: ...- John 3:18
Our decision not to love and believe God and His Son Jesus Christ is not what put anyone into condemnation. Rather, everyone is already in condemnation through Adam's transgression. But by accepting Jesus as Lord; this becomes the decision that delivers anyone that accept him(Jesus), from the condemnation.
"... but he that believeth not is condemned already,..." (verse 18).
God gave Jesus as the light and access to Him, ''... men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.'' (verse 19) and their unwillingness to change indicates they choose the deeds of darkness, the work of their father the devil is manifested in them and that they will do.
Unfortunately, man only have opportunity to change kingdom while on earth.
Only two kingdom exist;
1. The Kingdom of God, which is light and accessible through Jesus Christ only.
2. The kingdom of darkness, this is of the devil and is accessible by every other means, outside Jesus Christ.
Make a switch today, step into the light and be in the LIGHT!
Have a fruitful week.
Jesus is Lord!
Enahoro Airononi
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