To every believer, (I mean the redeemed) Christ Jesus is ever present and ready to help. But how we engage Him determines our breakthrough and placement in life.
In Mark 4:37-39, Christ was in the ship, yet when great storm arose, everyone in the ship was suffering, labouring and living a life of uncertainty. But when Peter remembered Jesus is in the ship, he(Peter) engage Him(Jesus) and they experienced peace.
That Jesus is in your business, home, finance, family, health etc. Doesn't mean storms won't arise, but we have a duty to remember the master of storms "Jesus" and engage him to calm the storms we are confronted with.
Having the knowledge that Christ is with us at all time, empowers us to live above life situations and circumstances forever, all we need do is engage him.
Jesus is Lord forever!
Enas Airononi
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