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Watch Your Language

In a multitude of words transgression is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is prudent.
– Proverbs 10:19, The Amplified Bible

We believers need to start watching our language! We need to quit throwing words around like they weren't important and start using them like our lives depended on it--because, according to the Word of God, they do! (Proverbs 18:21).

Too many of us have what Proverbs 19:1 calls a perverted mouth. Having a perverted mouth means more than lying and using profanity. It means having a disobedient mouth. It means saying things that are out of line with the Word of God.

All of us have done that at one time or another. We'll say, for instance, that we're believing God for our healing and then we'll turn right around to someone and make a statement like, "This pain is about to kill me!"

That's perverted! It's backwards from what God's Word says.

"Oh well, Brother Copeland, I know I said that, but it's not really what I meant."

Listen, the world of the spirit doesn't operate on what you mean. It operates on what you say. Mark 11:23 tells us that "whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart,
but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

Take note. That verse didn't say you shall have whatsoever you mean. It says you'll have what you say. It's what you say that counts.

Now, I'm not suggesting you should be tied up in knots all the time worrying about what your next phrase might be. Just use the wisdom God has given you. Train your mouth to be obedient to His
Word. Then, when you need it most, you'll find that Word dwelling richly in you.

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 10:11-21


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