Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
-Acts 10:34
I have heard of unbelievers pay Tithes and offering in Churches and I have wondered why? Then the Holy Spirit said to me, "there is a body of believers I have spoken to over and over again, to bring their offerings and tithes that there maybe be meat in my house Mal.3:10. But, have turned deaf ears and some pretended not to hear. I have no respect for persons, religion, race etc. Whosoever obey Me is blessed accordingly, I can use unbelievers and the least qualified."
A story that has been on social media for sometime now, came to my mind (I don't know if it's true or not: it has not be verified to my knowledge; but it paints a vivid picture) it goes;
Lt. Arch. Bishop Benson Idahosa had some missionaries who as a matter of urgency have to return to their station. But, find out that all flights had been booked, but went ahead and approached the passengers and indulge them, if any can offer their seat because it was urgent for those ministers to return. Two gentlemen offered their seat. They must have been going or coming from somewhere important. I believe there were some Christians booked on that flight that day when the man of God was making his plea but, turn deaf ears to his request. After the agreement was reached, the man of God blessed the businessman and his associate, praying; "men will stand for them and that they would prosper and the rest ..." The businessman referred to on the write up is the owner of Dangote Group. Who happened to be the richest man in African as at today. Wherever he goes today people stand for him. It could've been somebody else, but he took his chance.
Believers should be more sensitive to the spirit and obey God at all time, it's an opportunity for new heights and breakthroughs.
Job 36:11 "If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures."
If God ask you to give Mr."A" $10 and based on your own judgment you choose to give Mr."B" $50 instead, that just becomes a wasted seed. The instruction is to give Mr. "A" not Mr. "B". It's not your duty to be concern about the situation of Mr."A" or "B", yours is to obey God.
Don't get replaced by a unbelievers. Obey and serve God's interest.
#prosperityreality Inc.
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