God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,...~ Hebrews 1:1-2.
Every believer have equal access to the God the Father, through the Son. However, He has appointed Pastor's to oversee His flocks as a guide for the growth, nurturing and perfecting of believers, till they grow to maturity.
But, many acts like John the Baptist today. You may ask, why John? This is to enable us learn from his mistake, so we do not repeat the same.
"And these things happened as examples for us,..." 1 Corinthians 10:6 NCV
The Holy Bible record have it that the spirit of Elijah was upon John the Baptist.
-The same Elijah, that slaughtered 450 Priests of baal, 1Kings 18:17-40.
-The same Elijah, that called fire down from heaven and consumed 2 captain's of fifty and their fifty, making the total 102 men, before the third group humbled themselves before him, and were spared, 2Kings 1:9-14.
-The very same Elijah, that prayed, shut-off the heaven and stopped the rain in the land, for the space of three and half years. He prayed again, before the heaven gave rain,1Kings 18:41-45.
John the Baptist, when he was arrested by Herod, and it seemed Jesus Christ was not coming to his rescue, he sent his disciples to the Lord Jesus saying, "Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?..." Matthew 11:3. He was offended.
Sometimes, we maybe confronted with bigger situation(s) that requires higher authority to handle, but we must do what is required of us at first (because we have access to the source), to commit the higher authority to intervene. We cannot lay by and expect something spectacular to happen, while ignoring the supernatural gift operating in us.
Which was the case of John the Baptist, unfortunately, it cost him is life.
The Lord Jesus, talking about John the Baptist, asked a question, "... What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?" Matthew 11:7.
He further highlights the qualities embedded in John the Baptist, Matthew 11:10-14. John the Baptist, probably didn't know or see those qualities and authority in himself, rather he was waiting, expecting the Master, Jesus Christ to intervene through some spectacular way, I guess.
John the Baptist could have done something about his situation, but he did not.
Many believers are that way today, we don't act on God's instructions, we don't pray. We just expect our pastor's to do everything for us, without lifting a finger. These negligence has resulted to too many sorrow among believers and the church today.
In James 5:13 the scripture says, "is any among you afflicted? Let him pray..." the individual is to do the praying. In verse 14, the scripture is simply saying, in areas where the strength of the individual can't carry him, then he can be assisted,
(most times, sickness is as a result of broken fellowship with God, but with fellow believers or elders, there will be enough spiritual energy to generate faith for healing.) Remember the phrase, "one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight,". That is why James 5:15 says, "... if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." he must initiate the process for intervention.
Reflect on these... May the Spirit of God, help you to understand.
Stay blessed and have a fruitful week ahead, in Jesus name!
Jesus is Lord!
Enahoro Airononi
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