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Showing posts from September, 2020


And the Lord said unto Jacob, Return unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee. - Genesis 31:3 Most times, God will ask us to take certain steps; in reality those steps seem no-brainer to the natural mind. It may be impossible with man, not with God. You see, God ask Jacob to depart from his uncle Laban, who wouldn't let him go in the first place, and into a place where Esau his brother was waiting for him for evil, for he (Jacob) had cheated Esau by pretending to be Esau, received the blessing from Isaac their father. Now, Esau seek vengeance.  But once God had said "go", we should have the confidence that he had sorted things out, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the situation.  However, we must be certain God is the one leading. Because although God is leading, you may face some obstacles along the way, but be rest assured that victory is guaranteed. God knows the end from the beginning, let him lead you. Jesus is Lord! Mark E...