PROSPERITYREALITY Prosperity: the condition of being successful or thriving; Prosperity in it's sense does not just mean money, placing it to money alone limit the capacity of the word. Prosperity is derived from the Word "prosper" which means to become very active, healthy or strong. Prosperity in biblical term means to be fruitful or flourish in every area life(spirit, soul and body). "Reality" means the true/real situation that exists. Putting these together we have "prosperityreality". God want every believer to prosper in every area of life, in academics, careers, business, family, health, relationships etc. The mandate, is to bring everyone to understand God's original purpose for man, before the fall, now that Christ has paid the price for our restoration, Has His position change? No! There were no sickness, pains, discomfort, lack, etc., in the garden of Eden, before the fall when man was driven out. That’s is the purpose of the r...